We offer enterprise-wide IT consulting services to businesses

- What is the POPI Act and what does it take to be compliant?
- Will your business need to be compliant and what would happen if you don’t comply?
- The POPI Act has come into effect on the 1ste of July 2021 and Baseline IT has partnered up with attorneys to provide you with a full POPI Compliance solution.
– POPI Compliance IT Audit
– Data Security Policies & Procedures
– Data Security Consults & Awareness
– Agreements and Notices Audit
- How will the POPI Act Affect our organisation?
- What information would be classified as “Personal”?
- Does my organisation need to comply with regulatory standards like ISO, POPI?
- Do you have onsite backups for recovery
- How safe and affordable are cloud backups?
- What retention policy is recommended for your data?
- Do you have onsite backups for recovery?
- How safe and affordable are cloud backups?
- What retention policy is recommended for your data?
- Certain geographical locations have good enough internet speed
- Data Centers in RSA are satisfactory to secure data
Internal IT
- They become very well equipped with the internal systems
- Everyone in the company knows the person well
- Easy to walk over to them and ask for assistance
- Usually tasks not tracked in ticket system accurately
- All knowledge is with one person`
Outsource IT
- Each ticket will be logged into a system and assigned
- Knowledge is spread between more than one technician
- Quick turn Around time on Remote support
- Different levels of escalation and experience
- Always available 24/7 Support
- Where are you storing your data?
- How is your data secured?
- What Policies are in place for accessing Data?
- What are you doing with the Data captured?
- How do we control data storage and data lifecycles?
- What are your Risks from a Cyber Attack perspective?
- How can onsite Access become a Risk for Data?
- During an attack on the Infrastructure what systems are in place to recover?
- What systems prevent Risk to minimize the attack?
- How do we detect and respond to threats like malware and phishing scams?
- What is the recommended password reset policy?